Toronto Cancer Prevention UVR Shade Policy Committee
The Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition (TCPC) was established in 1998 by Toronto Public Health and its community partners. The TCPC’s mission is to strengthen cancer prevention efforts in the City of Toronto. Within the TCPC, the Ultraviolet Radiation Working Group has been successful in a number of initiatives to promote awareness of the harmful effects of overexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and the increased risk of skin cancer. The UVR Working Group’s 2000 Report, A Survey and Recommendations of Current Sun Safety Policies and Programs called for a Sun Safety Action Plan for the City, including the establishment, monitoring and enforcement of shade provision via municipal by-laws, urban design and planning. The Shade Policy for the City of Toronto approved by the Board of Health in 2007 states: The provision of shade can be an effective means of reducing exposure to UVR and its associated health risks such as skin cancer. Furthermore, the presence of shade can encourage physical activity, reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, mitigate the urban heat island effect, and reduce energy costs. The provision of shade, either natural or constructed, should be an essential element when planning for and developing new City facilities such as parks or public spaces, and in refurbishing existing City-owned and operated facilities and sites. Increasing shade in Toronto contributes to a healthier and more sustainable City. (Source: TCPC).
(Sheila was an advisor on the URV Shade Policy Working Group from 2013 - 2017, was interviewed for the Partners in Action: Shade Policy for the City of Toronto documentary (which won a 2014 Canadian Dermatology Association Public Education Award), and continues to support this work where possible).