280-422 Consumers Road
Located in the City of Toronto's ConsumersNext community planning area, Consumers Square is a collection of linear, one storey buildings (circa 1970's) with existing commercial and employment spaces in need of a refresh. The buildings will be refurbished with facade treatments, new green roofs, and interior design improvements, led by Syllable Design. SpruceLab’s landscape design will complement the aesthetics of the architectural work, and include significant tree and shrub plantings, biodiverse planting beds, seasonal planters, pedestrian lighting, and streetscape improvements. The ConsumersNext study aims to enhance the opportunities for employment and for for mixed use development in the area. This refurbishment project in the centre of the study area will contribute to the City’s goals through improvement of employment spaces and privately owned public spaces (POPS) on site.
Landscape Architecture
Public Realm Design