Goodwood Resource Management Tract, Uxbridge
The Goodwood Resource Management Tract (RMT) managed by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is 125 ha in size, and is located on the Oak Ridges Moraine in the Duffins Creek watershed, within the Township of Uxbridge, Region of Durham. Also considered the future northern entrance to the Rouge National Urban Park (RNUP), the property is just south of the Secord Forest and Wildlife Area, both with nearby parking lots. The Goodwood Trail Plan was created to guide trail system development, connecting the Oak Ridges Trail, the Trans Canada Trail, and local trails, in a way that preserves the sensitive ecology of the area (with rare interior forest conditions) while enhancing visitor experience. The trails are primarily used for walking, hiking and jogging, and some are designed for equestrian use. Future entrances and wayfinding will take visual and physical accessibility in mind, and interactive placemaking storytelling features will celebrate the Indigenous and settler histories.
Sheila (then Senior Landscape Architect, TRCA) worked closely on this project with Wei Pang, a landscape architect on her team, and ecological restoration colleagues, and the resulting document was well-received by the local Councillor and community trail organizations.