Martin Goodman Trail, the Baselands (Toronto Port Authority)
This final connecting link to the east end of Toronto’s Martin Goodman Trail involved in-depth conversations to protects bird and snake habitat (with local naturalists), while creating a safe and enjoyable multi-purpose recreational trail (with city bike advocates). Constructed in 2019, the trail is already heavily used by a variety of people moving from the east end to the downtown core, or to visit the popular Tommy Thompson Park. Adjacent to a busy street used by large trucks, the trail was set back from the road to improve trail experience, aligned to protect existing trees, and raised to avoid disturbing contaminated soil below (with small culverts to still permit stormwater flow). The design includes armourstone retaining walls, wood post and paddle fencing (with metal screens to minimize animal movement on the trail), a wood/stone bench, and native plantings for ecological restoration.
Sheila (then Senior Landscape Architect, Toronto Region Conservation Authority) worked closely on this planning and design of this project with Chris Ulcar, the lead landscape designer on her team, Tommy Thompson Park, and the City of Toronto. See Urban Toronto article here.