Toronto Tree Protection Fence
This beautiful, modular tree protection fence was designed by David Dennis, architect and industrial designer with DTAH. Design criteria were developed by a interdivisional working group, who later approved the concepts and detailed design. Almost 30 unfinished lasercut steel tree fences were installed as a pilot project on Danforth Ave. from West Lake Ave. to Victoria Park Ave., and later (with a second design developed for the adjacent Business Improvement Area), they were installed from Woodbine Ave. to West Lake Ave. A middle panel was included as an option to highlight the community name, or the sponsor of the tree planting.
This project was managed by Sheila from 2014 - 2015 (then Urban Designer, City Planning), who also initiated and collaborated with forestry staff and LEAF to create an Adopt-a-Street-Tree program. to help care for the 140+ newly planted trees (with financial support from a TD Green Streets grant). The program has since grown to 5 different Toronto neighbourhoods).

Planting condition before

Sheila caring for a street tree with Olivia Sparrow, EOR, and high school volunteers.