Water’s Edge Promenade (East Bayfront District), Toronto
The Water’s Edge Promenade is a Waterfront Toronto initiative, and was envisioned by West 8 (Rotterdam) and DTAH as the ‘Green Foot’ of the city at the edge of Lake Ontario. DTAH was the local landscape architect firm responsible for detailed design and overseeing the construction, continuing to work closely with West 8.. Silva cells provide adequate soil volume for healthy tree growth of the double row of fall colouring maple cultivars, and rainwater is captured to water the trees as a passive irrigation system. The trees were selected a year ahead of planting, and were hand-picked individually at various local nurseries, as a cautionary measure due to the high profile nature of the project, and the significant quantity of trees required for the area (including for the adjacent Sugar Beach). The granite cobblestone ‘maple leaf’ promenade was constructed with skilled Irish stonemasons who were brought over to teach local contractors this special technique. The project is also part of the East Bayfront District’s comprehensive stormwater management plan, which includes a future wood boardwalk over a forebay system to treat stormwater runoff as part of the ‘treatment train’ approach employed.
While at DTAH, Sheila worked closely with the interdisciplinary team for the project (led by John Hillier), and external advisors such as James Urban (author, Up By Roots; (including for the specialized landscape construction specifications). She was responsible for researching and recommending a palette of trees suitable for the windy, harsh lakeside environment for the East Bayfront District, and that would fit the ‘Canadian’ theme of the design, and for selecting the trees at the nurseries. (The picture of Sheila / tree hugger was taken by her mother.)
(Source: West 8)
(Source: West 8)
(Source: West 8)