Past Work
SpruceLab Inc. builds on almost three decades of Sheila’s professional work experience, covering a wide range of public realm projects, working in both the private and public sectors. The projects listed below (generally in chronological order) provide an overview of this portfolio, with descriptive text including collaborations, credits, and Sheila’s role in each project. Regardless of people, time, or place, there are constant themes that run through this work: civic scale, designing with nature, biodiversity, and healthy communities. (Note: Photos without sources noted were taken by Sheila).

Bolton Camp Discovery Garden

Martin Goodman Trail

The Meadoway

Goodwood Resource Management Tract

Tommy Thompson Park

Fairford Ave. Parkette

South Station St.

Raindrop Plaza

Dundas & Carlaw Urban Design

Scarlett Rd. Bridge over Humber R.

Toronto Green Streets Technical Guidelines

Toronto Street Tree Planting Standards
Toronto Tree Protection Fence

Toronto Water's Edge Promenade

MacNab Bus Terminal, Hamilton

Kinnear Centre for Creativity & Innovation

Smith School of Business, Queen's University

Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Royal Botanical Garden, Camilla & Peter Dalglish Atrium

Evergreen Brick Works
St. Andrew Child Care Centre

Square One Mall Expansion, Mississauga

Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, Waterloo

Laurel Creek Trails, Waterloo